Monday, June 28, 2010

Good TImes!

Wednesday night I went to the Backstreet Boys concert with my family. Jake thought he was too cool to come so he totally missed out because we had such a BLAST! It was my most favorite concert I have ever been too. They all looked so good and danced and sung all of my favorite songs. Here are Backstreet Boy's BIGGEST fans! Yes my dad is included as a biggest fan because he has been to four concerts as well!! Thursday we went to Lehi Roundup with Jake’s family. My favorite was the saddle broncs and bull riding. Jake said he loved steer wrestling usually but I don’t think anyone was able to wrestle the steer so it was kind of boring. But it was a fun night to celebrate McCall’s birthday. Friday morning we drove to St. George with my family. It was a fun trip. The boys played golf while the girls laid by the pool. We went on lots of bike rides and played tennis once the sun was gone. It was really really hot down there! My grandparents and Christian’s favorite thing to do is to play CRAPS. So my grandpa agreed to drive his truck to St. George so they could bring the CRAPS table. Every night we had a huge game night with treats and poker chips. We all love to play with Christian’s official poker chips. Christian gets way into it with his Dealer’s visor and stick for gather chips. It cracks me up!

Alexa was so dang cute the entire trip! I loved playing with her every second I could! She is such a happy girl who loves her sweets just like the rest of us!!


Kristal said...

Cute girl! We have had some fun days!

The Mickelsen's said...

hEY! I dont know how I didn't have your blog address! :) I was very excited when i found it! I hope you and jake are doing well! We miss u! We will definitely need to have BBQ's when we get back! Looks like you have had an awesome summer! Keep updating!
P.S. i AM super JEALOUS u went to BSB! lol... I may have loved nick---once upon a time! haha.. Love ya and Miss ya!