Monday, November 8, 2010

Two Tickets to Pittsburgh

We had so much fun this weekend partying it up! Friday night we went to the WVU basketball game. It was only an exhibition game so they totally killed the team it was fun!

Then Saturday we woke up and drove to Pittsburgh. We went site seeing and then of course hit the mall. It was so much fun to be able to go shopping again it feels like its been FOREVER!! After the mall we went to look around the university and we saw some really pretty cathedrals.

But the very best part of the entire weekend was always coming home to this fun piano that I got for my birthday!! I absolutely love it and I always want to play it. One of our favorite features on the piano is the different sounds we can set it to. Our very favorite is the laughing because each note has a different laugh and it is so entertaining!!


Kristal said...

Yea for Birthday weekends! And whats up with that picture of you sitting in that statues lap?? That is so funny!! Glad that you love your piano. I'll email you some more music!

Rachelle said...

haha im with Kristal you are a dork! Haha I loved that you were just chilling in his lap ha! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!! Love the Piano!